Bail, Step by Step


When you apply for a bail bond, a strict process is followed. You will need to follow the steps clearly laid out to ensure that you are able to get (and stay) out of jail. If you know you are going to jail, you can take care of many of these steps ahead of time. In other cases, a loved one can help you with some steps.

These are the steps you'll need to take.

Have Bail Set

The first step in the process is to have your bail set. This means going to the arraignment and hearing your bail. If you knew you were going to be arrested, you may have already spoken to a bail bond professional, so this step may be out of order for you.

At this time, you will decide if you can pay cash bail or if you will need to work with a bail bond professional.

Contact a Bail Bond Professional

Whether you contact a bail bond pro from jail or you have somebody else meet up with the agent, there are a few things you'll need. These include your location, contact information, and collateral. You'll pay a non-refundable fee for using the service, but you will receive other forms of collateral after your trial is over.

Post Bail

After you contact the professional, you will wait for them to get everything in order. They will bring their documentation to the court or jail to post bail for you, and you'll be able to leave once everybody is on the same page.

Once the papers are signed, you can leave jail. You'll be out and able to pursue your case with a lawyer and ensure that you are building the strongest defense possible. You'll also have the ability to return to work and your family. Some stipulations, like abstinence from alcohol or an order of protection, may be in place.

Receive Collateral

Whether you are found guilty or not guilty, the person who put up collateral will receive their property back (so long as you attended the hearings as required). Once this process is over, each of you has fulfilled your obligation to the bail bond company and to the court.

Contact a 24/7 Bail Bond Company

A bail bond company can help you get the information you need about getting out of jail. Not sure about one of these steps? Contact a professional 24-hour bond service to learn more.


10 February 2022

Know Your Options when Financing a New Business

When I began my first business selling sports equipment locally, I knew the sports-world well, and I knew how to run a business. One thing I did not know a lot about was the financial world. I had never applied for a loan in my life other than when I financed my car with the dealership in-house financing. My first application at a large bank was denied. I began looking into my other options, and I found that there were more lenders for new businesses than I realized. I applied at local credit unions, local banks, and other business lending services. I was able to secure more funding than I even expected, and my credit is just average. I created this blog to help other new business owners realize that there is funding out there. You just have to find it and apply! Don't give up on your dream.